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Feng Shui for Wealth

Feng shui for wealth

Feng shui for wealth is an ancient Chinese traditional practice of arranging buildings, objects and space to achieve harmony and balance. It was developed over 3000 years ago in China. The term feng means wind and shui means water. There are a plenty of different feng shui items available in the market.

When they are placed in the right direction of the home or office space, they are said to bring about an abundant change in your life. Feng shui is based on the belief that the arrangement of objects can influence the flow of energy, or chi, in a space. It is believed that by optimizing this energy flow, feng shui can improve various aspects of life such as health, wealth, and relationships.

Feng Shui for wealth

Water painting

Water denotes wealth in the language of Feng Shui. It is advised to keep a painting of flowing water to attract and double your wealth and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, the sound of flowing water also symbolizes money and abundance. Therefore, incorporating a small fountain or a fish tank with a water feature in your home or office can bring good luck and financial success. In Feng Shui, water is also associated with the flow of energy and emotions. Therefore, having a water feature like a fountain or aquarium can bring calmness and balance to your home or office.

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Aquarium placed in the house as per Feng Shui helps in attracting wealth and success. The ideal direction is to place it in the north side of the home or office. Keeping the aquarium in north direction tends to attract new career opportunities. Aquarium placed in the house as per Feng Shui helps in attracting wealth and success. The ideal direction is to place it in the north side of the home or office.

Keeping the aquarium in north direction tends to attract new career opportunities. Additionally, it is important to keep the aquarium clean and well-maintained as a dirty aquarium can have negative effects on the energy flow in the space. It is also recommended to add elements such as plants, rocks, and fish with vibrant colors to enhance the positive energy.

Feng shui aquarium

Crystal lotus

Crystal lotus when placed near the window helps in replacing negative energy with positive energy. Keeping the lotus in the southwest corner of the room makes the bonding strong and promotes harmony in the family. When it is placed in your workplace area, it breathes determination, perseverance and courage that are required for a successful professional career. Additionally, the crystal lotus is believed to enhance creativity and stimulate the mind, making it a great addition to any workspace or study area. It also serves as a beautiful decorative piece that can add a touch of elegance and tranquility to any room.

crystal lotus feng shui

The money toad

Commonly known as Chan Chu or Jin Chan in Feng Shui, money toad helps to boosts feng shui for wealth. For maximum benefits, make sure to tie a red cloth around it. Placing it near the house entrance tend to repel negative energies from entering the house. In addition, it is believed that the money toad should be placed diagonally opposite to the main door for attracting wealth and good luck. It is also important to keep the money toad clean and free from dust for better feng shui benefits.

feng shui money toad

The above mentioned items are best to use feng shui for wealth. Also, do not keep clutter in the house. As per feng shui, decluttering is must to boost wealth and imbibe prosperity. Remove all the unnecessary stuff from the house to promote positive and make the best use of feng shui for wealth. In addition, it is important to fix any leaks or broken items in the house as they can symbolize financial loss. By keeping the house in good repair, you are creating a positive energy flow that can attract wealth and abundance.

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