
Here are 4 Zodiac Signs that are Experts at Making up Fake Apologies to You!

Fake Apologies

It is said that apologies are made through the inner core of your heart to never repeat mistakes in the future. And it is the responsibility of the person asking for an apology to acknowledge one’s action and express his/her words genuinely. To repair a friendship or relationship, it is important to understand and empathize with people’s perceptions and viewpoints.

But many times there are people who tend to ask for apologies just to be on the safer side and to preserve their societal respect and not to keep the relationship stronger by making a move. They are people who believe that asking for an apology will lower their status and will decrease their power as a greater person.

These are people who cannot connect with the emotions of others and they don’t make any honest effort to safeguard what’s lost in the fight or an argument. They never try to amend their inner self but they only apologize every time something goes wrong with any of their close ones.

Here are 4 Zodiac Signs whose apologies are not real:



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They are people who seem to present themselves as one who is superior and above all. They don’t accept that they can be wrong sometimes. Even in the hardest of times, they will make up the situation by making an insincere apology. But along with their behavior, they also point out others’ flaws and will make people insecure for no reason.



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They are people who simply never see themselves dealing with any sort of setbacks. They can’t get the fact that they can be wrong and need to say sorry for their deeds. And when the situation is in serious demand of apologies from their side, they will try to pass on the moment by cracking jokes or making a fake apology. They are not frequently at reading emotional phases and are more irritated or raged to pick up an argument for their fault.

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They are stubborn people who have a difficult time accepting their faults. In other terms, they also feel ashamed to be asking for an apology as they have a hard time accepting that the person is hurt because of them. They are so obstinate that it is very tough to ask for acceptance of their actions from them. And even if they have accepted what they have done, they will quickly forget making the other person offended and low.



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They are people who are self-made perfectionists. They have an ego that can be wrong. Even if they ask for an apology they will do it without having any emotions attached and the apologies will not come from their heart. They might be sometimes the abusive ones in the relationship forming a typical Virgo.

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