
New Year Resolutions : Ways To Turn Yoga Practice Into a Strong Habit


Developing a daily Yoga routine can do wonders for our body and mind as we wrap up 2023 and gear up for Christmas festivities before entering New Year 2024 but staying committed to fitness goals this winter can look tricky. Hence, we got some Yoga experts on board who suggested that by including the following habits in kids, parents can instill a positive attitude toward fitness as leading by example is key.

Some Effective Ways To Make a Habit


  • A new practice feels challenging because our body is not habitual to the new change and thus the discomfort is quite normal.
  • Set a specific time and place for your practice. Sometimes we don’t get to the mat, not because of the lack of discipline but because we don’t have a fixed spot or time for it.
  • Additionally, surround yourself with an active community. What we see more of, becomes our new normal.
  • We need not be harsh on ourselves. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish by being patient and gentle on your own journey.

5 tips for everyone who wishes to be regular with Yoga


1. Understand your ‘why’ – Being aware of your intentions helps you stay motivated

2. Find a good trainer – Though there are a lot of video resources out there, nothing can beat the experience given by a good teacher online/offline helping to make it a habit.

3. Do it in a community – We suggest this to not just regular people but to expecting mothers too to keep them active and have a healthy routine.

4. Enjoy the process – Yoga is not just about the poses you do on the mat, but also about being aware of what you do.

5. Don’t push yourself too much – In Yoga, listening to your body is the key.

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