
Whatsapp new feature allows to share image in original quality


Whatsapp is now working on a new aspect that will benefit its desktop users. The forthcoming feature will permit users who use Whatsapp on their desktop to share pictures and videos without harming their original quality.

As per the report of WaBetaInfo, the feature is still in progress. 


credit: google

The report has also shared a screenshot of the feature as proof and also states that it will permit users to send images without harming the original quality, keeping their resolution and accuracy.

Using the new feature, the users will be allowed to send media without any concern about the quality and resolution of the image.

The report also reveals that when the feature is introduced to beta testers, users will be allowed to share photos by standard compression method.


credit: google

The users will be benefited who seek to keep the storage space. Also, it will act as a default option. 

As it has been stated earlier, the capability of sharing photos in their original quality is still under process and will be introduced at the time of future update of Whatsapp.

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Voice message as status


credit: google

At the same time, Whatsapp is launching a mass of new features that will permit consumers to put voice messages on the status. After sharing the voice message ons status, that same green ring will be displayed on profile photos and status section.

One more feature to on-board is status reaction. It will portray the exact love of users for their loved ones with just a click on the app. 

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The new camera mode


credit: google

The messaging application is introducing a camera mode to some users. Using the new camera mode, users will be allowed to go to video mode from photo mode with just a tap.

After the introduction of the feature, you will not need to tap and hold to record videos, permitting hands-free video recording.


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