
Twitter rival Koo integrates ChatGPT to help users create content

Twitter rival Koo integrates ChatGPT to help users create content

Koo, an Indian social media app that competes with Twitter, According to the co-founder of the company, Koo has integrated OpenAI’s ChatGPT to make it easier for users to create posts.

An artificial intelligence (AI) bot called ChatGPT that can generate prose in response to commands has sparked a generative AI craze in the tech sector.

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Benefits: How Koo and ChatGPT benefit users of the platform

According to Mayank Bidawatka, co-founder of Koo, users of the app will be able to use ChatGPT directly within the app to assist them create articles about current events, politics, or pop culture.

Twitter rival Koo integrates ChatGPT to help users create content

Source: Google

“This will help creators get inspiration on what to create,” he said. “They could ask (ChatGPT) for the trending news in their region and then write their thoughts.”

In response to searches, tech companies Microsoft and Google, both owned by Alphabet, each unveiled their own creative AI chatbots last month. A chatbot that was programmed to have a lighthearted and amiable tone was also unveiled by Snap Inc, the company that operates the photo messaging app Snapchat.

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Bidawatka said Koo will be the first platform to include the technology into post composition. Clients are given the option of using Koo’s voice command feature or typing their instructions into the ChatGPT application.

About 20% of Koo users actively create content on the app and the ChatGPT integration could help increase that figure, he added.

Twitter rival Koo integrates ChatGPT to help users create content

Source: Google

Accessibility: Who has access to the feature and how it is being implemented

Verified Koo accounts will be the first to receive the feature, and thereafter other users will be able to use it.

The tool created a post using an Albert Einstein quote and three related hashtags as part of a demo for Reuters. We will also look into adding labels to say whether a post was made using ChatGPT.

“I think people should know if content is AI-generated,” Bidawatka said

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