
Too Busy Scoring Reels? Too Busy Scoring Reels, Then what to do?

Too Busy Scoring Reels?

Scoring Reels: “Moor’s Law states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years”. This statement alone describes the growth rate of technology in current times. We have collected all of our important day to day requirement on our mobile phone. As the life gets busier, technology brings more and more convenience to our life. Mobiles are now a necessity for today’s generation. The world of social media has also brought the real world to our neighbourhood – so much for “vashudhev kuthumbhkam”. But in recent trend it has also posted as a distraction from other essential things, people are too busy in their phone to do anything else. Specially the short video content has really hooked us up to our phone. It is a typical addiction.

How did that happen?

Human brain with all its power and creativity is still easily prone to addiction. A small dose of dopamine every time you watch a reel or a tik-tok keeps our eyes stick to our screen and our thumb keeps scrolling. This keeps us distracted from a difficult situation and kills our drive to work. This becomes a habit and now you’re a procrastinator. Although just a simple habit or pastime, social media addiction can be excessive and compulsive.

How can one identify this?

Social media addiction can mean anything from excessive usage to total loss of control. One might just have a long screen time dedicated most to such platforms neglection other responsibility, or unable to focus and constantly reaching out for their phone. A simple 5 minutes break can turn into hours of random scrolling without even realising it. People with this issue can often feel fear of missing out and keep themselves isolated from real world interactions. It is also common for individuals to feel anxious or distressed while not using social media for long.

But are there any real negative impacts?

While it is easily neglected as being lazy or “not feeling like to working”, over an extended period it can have serious emotional, psychological and physiological impacts. Social media addiction can interfere with daily life activities. It can decrease productivity, disrupt sleeping patterns and difficulties in real relationships. Social media present an idealised version of other people’s life, increasing your expectations and leaves you heart broken when they are not fulfilled in real world. Dependency on these platforms can cause isolation as many individuals may opt online interaction more than face to face meetings.

So should I quit using social media scoring reels?

Social Media

Social media can be a great platform to connect with new people and constantly learning new things. It can boost your creativity and can help to build a network or brand for yourself. But individuals need to be careful and aware while using it. We need to set boundaries and limits for using social media. Scheduling social media time can effectively lower screen time. People should always diversify their activities and engage in physical activities to be more productive.

What if I’m already addicted?

Scoring Reels: The first step for tackling an addiction to recognise it. Acknowledging and understanding the problem leads to identify the triggers and determine the situation that prompts you to turn to social media. Try and resolve such triggers with different activity.

Here are few steps one should take to break out of a social media addiction:

  1. Set usage limits
  2. Set timers and alarms to remind you to log out.
  3. Create barriers like uninstalling apps, creating no-mobile-zones and using software that limit the usage.
  4. Do more physical activity.
  5. Turn off notifications.
  6. Prioritise meeting people offline.

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