
Best 4 varieties of garlic for bumper yield

garlic farming

In many parts of the world, farmers cultivate various vegetables, one of which is garlic. Garlic farming can prove to be highly lucrative, and in a short span, farmers can earn a significant amount. Different garlic varieties yield different results. Some particular types are resistant to pests and diseases, ensuring a higher yield for farmers.

Maximizing Profits with Garlic Farming

Maximizing Profits with Garlic Farming

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Farmers can earn a good profit with the cultivation of select garlic varieties. It’s essential to choose advanced varieties to ensure maximum production. Garlic doesn’t need extremely hot or cold weather for growth. In many countries, farmers start planting garlic in October. By choosing the autumn season for garlic cultivation, farmers can gain both good production and profitability. Here are some high-yielding varieties:

1. Yamuna Safed 1 (G-1) Variety:

This variety matures in about 150-160 days. It can produce over 160 quintals per hectare, allowing farmers to achieve a higher yield.

2. Yamuna Safed 2 (G-50) Variety:

Ready in approximately 165-170 days, this garlic variety can yield between 130-140 quintals per hectare. It features solid cloves with white skin and a creamy pulp.

3. Yamuna Safed-3 (G-282) Variety:

This white garlic variety is known for its large cloves. A single bulb can contain 15 to 18 cloves. It matures in 140-150 days and can produce an average of 150-175 quintals per hectare. Due to its premium quality, it’s considered one of the best varieties for export.

4. Agrifound White (G-41) Variety:

Featuring medium-sized solid bulbs with a white exterior and creamy pulp, each bulb of this variety contains about 20 to 25 cloves. The crop is ready in 160-165 days and can yield an average of 125-130 quintals per hectare. This variety is particularly resistant to the purple blotch and fusarium wilt diseases.

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Guide to Garlic FarmingGuide to Garlic Farming

G-arlic is not only a key culinary ingredient but also a lucrative crop for farmers. If cultivated correctly, it can yield significant profits. Here’s a simple guide for farmers planning to grow garlic. 

When to Sow When to Sow garlic

  • The best months to sow garlic are October and November. Sowing during these months will ensure optimum growth and yield.

Planting DetailsWhen to Sow garlic plant details

  1. Seed Quantity: For these varieties, approximately 5-6 quintals of seeds are required per hectare.
  2. Spacing: While sowing, maintain a distance of 15 centimeters between each row. Within rows, cloves should be placed 8 centimeters apart from each other.
  3. Depth: Plant the cloves about 5-7 centimeters deep in the soil. This depth ensures that the cloves are firmly anchored and can access the nutrients they require.


  1. First Irrigation: It is crucial to water the field immediately after planting. This helps in the seed’s germination and initial growth.
  2. Subsequent Irrigations: During the growth phase, water the crop every 8 days. As the crop matures, you can increase the interval to every 10-15 days. Ensure the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.

ConclusionWhen to Sow garlic plant details conclusion

garlic farming can be a boon for farmers, especially when the right variety is chosen. With an ever-increasing demand for garlic in the culinary world and its health benefits,

it’s a crop that promises a blend of good returns and sustainability. With proper care, the right sowing techniques, and timely irrigation, garlic farming can be a profitable venture.

It requires minimal investment, and the returns can be substantial if managed correctly. Farmers are encouraged to follow these guidelines and consult local agricultural experts to maximize their yield.

Interesting Facts about Garlic

Garlic, besides being a popular kitchen ingredient, carries a wealth of benefits and fascinating attributes. Here are some fascinating facts about this bulbous plant:

Nutritional Powerhouse : Garlic is enriched with vital nutrients like protein, phosphorus, and potassium. These elements are essential for the overall well-being of our body.

Cholesterol Buster: Consuming garlic is believed to help reduce the level of cholesterol in human blood. This property makes it an essential food item for heart health.

Culinary Delight: Garlic is extensively used in various culinary preparations. It forms the base for pickles, chutneys, ketchup, and various vegetable dishes.

Versatile Crop: One of the fascinating things about garlic is that it can be cultivated in almost any type of soil. This flexibility makes it a favorite among farmers.

Cost-effective Farming: By adopting scientific methods for garlic farming, farmers can reap substantial benefits at a relatively lower cost.

Quick Harvest: It’s astonishing how quickly garlic grows. The crop is ready for harvest in just 3-4 months.

Impressive Yield: With proper care of the soil and the crop, farmers can expect a yield ranging between 80 to 120 quintals per hectare.

Advanced Varieties: The modern and advanced varieties of garlic have the potential to produce a staggering 125 to 225 quintals per hectare. This showcases the advancements in agricultural practices and the potential of garlic farming.

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