Health and Fitness

National Relaxation Day : History, Significance and Ways To Relax

National Relaxation Day is observed every year on August 15. A day dedicated to rest, rejuvenation, and de-stressing, Relaxation Day is all about putting the mundane tasks on hold and doing things that your heart desires be it pursuing a hobby, a day of binge-watch or spending time with your favorite people.

In the high-speed present-day seasons of today, stress has turned into a vital part of life while carving out opportunities for taking care of oneself and unwinding is getting harder. From the old to the present day, there are numerous strategies for unwinding that one can practice to de-stress.

History of National Relaxation Day

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You would be shocked to know that devoting a day to unwinding came from a shrewd 9-year-old Michigan-based Sean Moeller, rather than a grown-up in 1985. On a hot and boiling August day, Sean was feeling kind of worn out and genuinely hot when he figured individuals ought to have a day just to simply take a load off. The thought, it appears to be spoke to his granddad too who made his yearly occasion.

Significance of National Relaxation Day


According to Explore, unwinding can keep your heart sound, discharge strong strain, and lifts memory. It can likewise lessen chances of wretchedness, uneasiness, and weight. Stress can prompt risky ways of behaving like gorging which can build weight and cause constant sicknesses. Unwinding Day is a chance to zero in on your body’s requirement for rest and revival.

Ways to relax and beat stress


  • Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, neck, and back and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing.
  • Read a book, spend time with nature, or pursue any activity you like.
  • Meet a friend talking to whom makes you relaxed. Enjoy a nice conversation over a cup of coffee.
  • Meditation can help you shift from flight or fight mode to rest and digest mode. Choose your kind of meditation and practice it regularly.
  • Try not to take your gadgets or phones to bed at night and maintain good sleep hygiene.
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