
New Characters and Exciting Moments in Sex Education Season 4: Stories, Growth, and Relationships

Sex Education Season 4

Sex Education Season 4: The TV show “Sex Education” came back for its last season with new characters. Some of them were great, while others didn’t add much. This show was very popular because it talked openly about many important topics like sex, relationships, and worries teenagers have. It made these topics funny and easy to understand

“Sex Education Season 4” had an amazing group of actors, including famous people like Asa Butterfield and Gillian Anderson. The show was unique and exciting all along, but when some important characters left, and there was a long break between seasons, it seemed like the show was ending.

Sex Education Season 4 main Characters:

We hope that the introduction of new and interesting characters in the final season kept it just as wonderful as before.

1. Beau


  • Beau, a character in Sex Education Season 4, is widely seen as the worst part of the season.
  • He’s poorly developed and doesn’t seem to have a good reason for being in the show. Beau mostly acts badly towards Viv, causing trouble without any clear reasons.
  • His character is very one-dimensional, and his only significant moment is when Viv stands up to him and ends their relationship.

2. Thomas Molloy

Thomas Molloy

  • Dan Levy’s portrayal of Professor Thomas Molloy in Sex Education is captivating, but the character doesn’t get the depth he deserves.
  • Molloy had the potential for an interesting storyline involving his relationship with Maeve, where they could have both grown professionally. Unfortunately, changes in Maeve’s character prevented this.
  • Their chemistry was strong, but the show hints at Molloy improving as a professor without showing much progress, leaving viewers with a sense of missed opportunities. It’s a case of unfulfilled potential in the end.

3. Sarah “O” Owens

Sarah O Owensy

  • Sarah “O” Owens is presented as the main antagonist in Sex Education Season 4, even though it seems strange to have a villain in a school setting where kindness is expected.
  • The show emphasizes O’s passive-aggressive behaviour and the tension between her sex clinic and Otis’.
  • While this makes viewers dislike O initially, her character feels robotic until her redemption arc begins. Suddenly, her sexuality is handled sensitively, and she becomes more transparent.
  • It’s a confusing character arc with more downs than ups, but it pays off in the final episodes when Otis and O have an honest conversation

4. Joanna


  • Joanna’s character in the final episodes of Sex Education Season 4 evokes both compassion and frustration.
  • Initially introduced as Jean’s sister, she appears to be helping with Jean’s baby, Joy. However, Joanna’s true intentions become clear as she takes advantage of her family and others, acting like a parasite.
  • As the season progresses, the show delves into Joanna’s tragic past, addressing child abuse with sensitivity, a hallmark of the series.
  • Joanna’s character arc ultimately leads to an emotionally satisfying conclusion that justifies her presence in the final season, connecting her journey with Jean’s ending in a clever way.

5. Tyrone


  • Tyrone is a character in Sex Education Season 4who is portrayed as a genuinely good person. It’s a bit of a missed opportunity that the writers didn’t include him in the Moordale team earlier.
  • He’s supportive, good-looking, and intelligent, making him an ideal friend, and its understandable why Otis felt jealous of him.
  • Similar to Maeve, Tyrone has his own personal struggles, unlike the other high-profile students who seem to have everything handed to them. This shared experience is what connects Maeve and Tyrone so well in America.
  • However, Tyrone doesn’t get much screen time to make a significant impact or influence any major storylines, although exploring more of his background would have been interesting.

6. Celia


  • Celia is a minor character in Sex Education Season 4, but her unique awkwardness brought some memorable moments to the show.
  • Episode 5 had a standout scene where Celia humorously navigated her way through a frustrating situation to find some night-time pleasure.
  • Celia’s personality is marked by her determination to help Jean get her sex show started, showing deep admiration for her as a professional.
  • While she may not be the most memorable character, Celia’s moments in the show were enjoyable to watch, and Hannah Gadsby’s acting in this role was noteworthy

7. Abbi


  • Abbi is a character in Sex Education Season 4 who represents positivity, kindness, and empathy. While her unwavering positivity might seem tiring at first, spending time with her reveals that she genuinely lives by these principles.
  • However, her excessive kindness initially leads to problems in her relationships, causing conflicts and misunderstandings.
  • Abbi’s character undergoes significant growth, leading to a satisfying moment in the show’s finale.
  • She finally expresses her frustrations in a liberating, easy-going manner, realizing that a balance of positivity and occasional assertiveness is essential in authentic human connections. This transformation is a key highlight in her character arc.

8. Roman


  • Roman is a character in Sex Education Season 4 who is part of the popular group at Cavendish Sixth Form College. Unlike the typical stereotype of popular students, Roman doesn’t fit that mold.
  • He’s outgoing, enjoys parties, and is sensitive and willing to discuss sensitive subjects. Roman is open about his sexuality and, having undergone gender-affirming surgery, offers valuable advice to Cal during their crisis.
  • Because he cares deeply for Abbi, Roman decides to ease the pressure in their relationship to make her feel comfortable, taking advice from Otis.
  • Despite not receiving as much attention as other new popular characters like Abbi and Aisha, Roman manages to stand out in his own right.

9. Aisha


  • Aisha is a standout addition to the Sex Education Season 4 cast. She’s charismatic, inclusive, and brings important topics to the forefront.
  • What makes her special is her love for a good gossip. Despite dealing with her hearing disability, Aisha handles it with ease and patiently explains her needs, such as reading lips to understand people.
  • Aisha is always ready to support her friends, standing up for them when needed, like protesting the school’s negligence with a broken elevator and the resumption of final exams.
  • She also quickly recognized that Cal was going through a tough time and provided them with much-needed support and understanding. In a school where many people are fake, Aisha’s transparent and high-spirited personality sets her apart
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