
Google Launches Free Artificial Intelligence (AI) Courses – Learn AI Without Spending a Penny!

Google Launches Free AI Courses

In the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Google has taken a commendable initiative to make AI education accessible to everyone. With technology evolving rapidly, AI and Machine Learning are poised to become integral parts of our lives in the coming years. Google, keeping the needs of the general populace in mind, has introduced free AI courses on its Cloud Skills Boost platform.

1. Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence

Embark on a 45-minute journey exploring the realm of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and understanding the nuances between it and other machine learning methods. Google’s course provides comprehensive insights into this fascinating domain.

2. Introduction to Large Language Models

Delve into this course that covers Google tools aiding in the development of your own GEN AI apps. Uncover the world of large language models and enhance your understanding of their applications.

3. Introduction to Responsible AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Courses

This introductory microlearning course sheds light on Google’s seven AI principles, emphasizing responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) practices. It serves as an essential guide for those entering the field of AI.

4. Introduction to Image Generation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Courses

Explore the theory of diffusion models and their application in Vertex AI in this free AI course. Google takes you through the intricacies of image generation, providing valuable insights into the technology.

5. Create Image Captioning Models

Dive into the world of deep learning and learn the techniques of creating image captioning models. This course employs components like encoders and decoders to enhance your skills in using AI for image captioning.

Google’s commitment to democratizing AI education is evident through these free courses. Each course, designed to be completed in just 45 minutes to an hour, ensures that learners gain valuable knowledge efficiently. Moreover, upon completion, participants receive a certification, adding credibility to their AI expertise.

Enroll in these Google AI courses today and take a significant step toward becoming proficient in Artificial Intelligence without spending a single rupee! Visit to kickstart your AI learning journey. The future of technology is AI, and Google is here to guide you every step of the way.

Also Read – How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping India To Bring Digital Services In 121 Languages

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