
Automatic Car Driving Mistakes: Save Your Car from Big Damages

With the ever-growing congestion on our roads, the demand for automatic cars is on the rise. They’re convenient, easy to drive, and offer a relaxed driving experience.

However, certain common driving habits, if you’re not careful, can be damaging to your automatic car. In this article, we’ll highlight some of these mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Shifting to Neutral During a Descent

Shifting to Neutral During a Descent

  • The Mistake: Some drivers shift their car into neutral (N) mode when going downhill, thinking this will save fuel.
  • Why it’s Bad: This can damage the gearbox because the power and oil supply get completely cut off, depriving the transmission of essential lubrication.
  • What to Do Instead: Always keep your car in the drive mode and control the descent using your brakes.

2. Shifting from Driving to Reverse Without Stopping

Shifting from Drive to Reverse Without Stopping

  • The Mistake: Often, drivers directly shift their automatic cars into reverse without bringing the car to a complete stop first.
  • Why it’s Bad: This can cause gearbox failure, and it’s a mistake common in both automatic and manual vehicles.
  • What to Do Instead: Always ensure that your car is at a complete stop before shifting gears, especially into reverse.

3. Using Parking Mode Incorrectly

Using Parking Mode Incorrectly

  • The Mistake: The “P” or Parking mode in automatic transmissions is to prevent the car from rolling forward or backward. Some people, however, engage the parking mode while the car is still moving.
  • Why it’s Bad: This can severely damage the transmission.
  • What to Do Instead: Ensure the car is stationary before shifting to parking mode.

4. Shifting to Neutral at a Red Light

Shifting to Neutral at a Red Light

  • The Mistake: A common habit, especially among those new to automatic cars, is to shift into neutral mode when waiting at a red light, believing it saves fuel.
  • Why it’s Bad: While it may save a tiny amount of fuel, it can be harmful to the gearbox.
  • What to Do Instead: When stopped at a red light, it’s best to use the brake and keep the gearbox in the drive mode.


While automatic cars offer a smoother and more relaxed driving experience, it’s essential to be aware of these common mistakes to ensure the longevity of your vehicle.

Proper care and driving habits can significantly reduce wear and tear, helping you get the most out of your automatic car.

Always consult your car’s user manual and consider professional advice for best practices tailored to your specific vehicle model.

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