
“Yoga Se Hi Hoga” 5 Asanas that Give You Better Glow than Skincare Products

How to get glowing skin? Which cream should I use to make my face glow? Which is the right food for my skin? You might have these questions in mind except the one- which is the best yoga for glowing skin? Many ignore the power of yoga especially for the facial skin as the asanas involved have other major benefits.

But doing just what’s necessary is enough to improve your skin’s health rather than ruining it with skincare products. Once you try these body-bending movements mentioned below you’d stop looking for something else. Simply because they all boost blood circulation.

5 Best Yoga Poses for Glowing Skin

1. Sarvangasana


After looking at the final pose of this yoga, you won’t believe it could actually reduce wrinkles and acne. But the only way to know is by trying. It is said that Sarvangasana improves blood circulation and helps your body supply enough blood to your skin. This regular flow of blood makes skin texture better resulting in glowing skin.

Also Read: Craving for Glowing Skin? Apply These Potato Face Masks And Get It Today

2. Matsyasana

yoga for glowing skin


Hormones are the major player in your skin health. It can be good or bad depending upon the balance of hormones. Matsyasana is the remedy to keep them in balance and add flexibility to your skin. Other than this, this yoga pose makes your spine and shoulder strong.

 3. Halasana

yoga for glowing skin


Halasana is one of the toughest yoga asanas for glowing skin but it’s worth it. When you bend your lower body upwards, blood flow increases and reaches the nerves in your face. The result is rejuvenating skin and flexible neck, joints, and healthy reproductive organs.

4. Shishuasana

yoga for skin


Find the above yoga poses for glowing skin tough? This one is easy even for a kid, it’s called child pose that is why. It’s excellent because shishuasana not only gives you youthful skin but also reduces stress, anxiety, and relaxes your lower body.

5. Uttanasana


Simplest of all, uttanasana or forward fold can truly give you flawless skin if you practice it regularly.

You can either practice one or add all 5 in your workout routine, the results will be the same. But if you have high blood pressure, eye issues, or neck or back injury, avoid them at any cost.



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