
Wolf Moon 2020: Don’t Miss The Last Full Moon Of The Year Tonight, See The Timings Here

Wolf Moon 2020: Don't Miss The Last Full Moon Of The Year Tonight, See The Timings Here

Tonight would be special because the moon would be little different. The world would witness today the last full moon, Cold Moon, or Long Night Moon of 2020. The sky will light up the whole world even brighter and it will last more than the other days.

December falls in the winter solstice and today is the longest nights of the year so sleep more and enjoy Cold Moon if you are a sky watcher.

Here are full details so that you don’t miss the longest night and brightest moon of the year.

Cold Moon Date And Timings

cold moon 2020

via: express

According to the NASA’s website, the cold moon would appear on two days consecutively. Some parts of the world observed it on 29th December at 10:28 pm EST.

So, if you have missed the Wolf Moon yesterday you can watch it today according to coordinated universal time. When?

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Set the alarm to 8:58 pm. This time is as per

One Moon So Many Names, Why?

Wolf moon, Cold moon, Long Night Moon, or Full moon there are so many names for this lightless star. We have a reason to justify all the names.

Cold moon is said by the old farmers Almanac and it’s absolutely fit to it because this full moon appears on cold nights.

Long night moon is also justifiable as winter nights are long and dark. Also, this appears on the longest night of the year. It’s when the moon shine brighter above the horizon.

Apart from these, it got one more name that is Moon Before Yule because during this time entire Europe celebrates 12 days long yule festival.

Most surprising name is Wolf Moon and No, you won’t see a human turning into wolf like it happens in fiction. But the reason is howling of wolves due to cold shivering nights that Native American hears on this day.

In India, we call this day as Purnima or Pournima. The moon will appear bright red which is due to the reflection of Mars and Venus.

Cold Moon is the last celestial event of 2020 so bid adieu to this year and watch this beautiful event right at 8:58.

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