In winters, most people like to eat spicy, fried and sweet food, but diabetes patients should take special care of their diet in this season. Because in the cold season, there is a high possibility of fluctuations in the sugar level. This can increase the problems of diabetes patients. And there is no permanent cure for this. Healthy life can be lived only by controlling food. Let us know what diabetes patients should eat and what not in winter days.
Diabetes patients must eat this in winter days
1. Green leafy vegetables
2. Whole fruits
3. Consume protein in the right amount
4. Eat nuts and seeds
5. Eat foods with low glycemic index
6. Include soup in the diet
7. Avoid sugar free and processed food
8. Foods rich in vitamin D and calcium
Green leafy vegetables – Diabetics should eat more green leafy vegetables. Like spinach, fenugreek, mustard, and broccoli. This helps keep sugar levels in check.
Whole fruits – Whole fruits are also beneficial for diabetics. They should eat guava, orange, and apples. Although apples have starch, they are not harmful. So, patients should include apples in their diet. These fruits contain fiber and simple sugars, which slow down sugar absorption in the blood. Remember, if you want to keep blood sugar under control, you shouldn’t drink too much fruit juice.
Consume the right amount of protein – Protein-rich foods are also important for diabetics. Including eggs, paneer, lentils, and low-fat yogurt in your diet will help keep your sugar levels normal and make you feel healthy. A protein-rich breakfast keeps sugar levels stable throughout the day.
Eat nuts and seeds – almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are packed with omega-3 and fiber. Nuts and seeds are considered good for diabetes patients.
Eat foods with a low glycemic index – foods with a low glycemic index can also be beneficial for patients. Include moong dal, masoor dal, oats, and brown rice in your diet. Avoid foods that increase glycemic index, like refined flour, rice, and sugar.
Include soup in your diet – diabetes patients should also have fresh soup. Tomato spinach soup is beneficial for patients.
Avoid sugar-free and processed foods – patients should stay away from sugar-free, packaged, and processed foods, bakery products, and sweets. Consuming these can quickly raise sugar levels, so patients should avoid them.
Foods rich in vitamin D and calcium – In cold weather, you should sit in the sun and eat calcium-rich foods. This helps keep the patient’s health in check. Diabetic patients should also avoid eating too much at once. It’s better to have balanced meals at small intervals. Patients should eat 3 to 4 times a day. Diabetic patients shouldn’t stay on an empty stomach for long. This can also increase sugar levels. Physical activity decreases in winter. In such cases, diabetic patients should do light yoga, take walks, or exercise at home.