
Déjà vu or Superpower? Know the Real Cause Behind That ‘Already Happened Before’ Sensation

What Causes Deja Vu: Explained in 3 Theories

You saw an accident and immediately feel as if you’d already seen it coming or you travel a new city and suddenly find the entire scene to be familiar. We all have experienced déjà vu once or several times but it is hard to understand why it happens and what causes déjà vu.

Do we have supernatural powers to predict future? If you watch too many fictional series or movies, you’d believe it true. But, that uncanny feeling is related to your brain and can have some serious complications if happens frequently.

What is Déjà vu and What Causes it?

what is deja vu


First understand the meaning of word Déjà vu, it has a French origin and mean ‘already seen’. Technically, it is called as a glitch in the brain. The reason we use the word technically and glitch is that our brain has similarity to electrical network and a little short circuit can lead to these types of responses.

But even experts don’t know why it happens. The reason is its unexpected nature. Unlike diabetes, heart disease or any other health conditions that have proper signs and ability to be diagnosed, Déjà vu occurs all of sudden.

You never know when and what would trigger that sensation, thus it is hard to study as well. This has led to different theories on déjà vu and those related to brain and memories are widely accepted.

On the other side, many believe stress and fatigue can make us feel unforgettable or experience these kinds of situations. This explanation cannot be really true as even adults with healthy brain have also gone through déjà vu, but the frequency is more in those in extreme stress and fatigue.

Theories On Causes of Déjà vu

Two Perception Theory

what causes deja vu


According to this theory, déjà vu occurs when your brain captures an incomplete glance. It is same as what your camera does, it captures even other objects of the surrounding which are not the focus.

Brain works similarly so when you see something while you are distracted or focusing on something else, a memory is captured and stored. Even though you have not experience it at that moment, your brain will tell you’d already seen or gone through it during the next event. This is called split perception theory.

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Glitches in Brain 

what is deja vu


Our brain has different areas of storing memories and tracking events. When these areas are active simultaneously due to any kind of glitch or focal seizure, you get false perception of reality. It is similar to day dreaming but temporal lobe seizure is serious concern if happens frequently.

So, identifying symptoms are important to get the treatment immediately. Here are a few things that let you identify seizure.

Symptoms of Focal Seizure

  • A sudden feeling of fear
  • Strong sensation of taste or odor
  • Staring something unknowingly
  • Unaware of surroundings
  • Unusual movements of fingers
  • Difficult controlling your muscles
  • Chewing and swallowing constantly

Usually, the symptoms are short-term and are not of concern except you lose consciousness, trouble breathing, or feel extremely sleepy after a seizure. If these symptoms occur often, consult a doctor.

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Trouble Recalling A Memory

what causes deja vu


When you cannot recall a particular memory during an event that shares similarity to something you have experience in the past, déjà vu happens. This is because your brain knows it had happened as that experience is already stored in the temporal lobe. But the other part of brain which helps in recalling memories is facing trouble doing it.

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These theories on causes of déjà vu just give a hint what actually happens with you in such kind of situation. There is, however, no evidence or much studies on how to avoid this feeling. Since it occurs rarely, déjà vu is not a cause of concern except when you have seizure.






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