Eggs: Rich in sulphur, eggs can help regulate the immune system and metabolic processes in the body.

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Fish: Most types of fish are good sources of sulphur and should be included in the daily diet.

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Meat and poultry: Chicken, in particular, has a high sulphur content and is a good source of the nutrient.

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Ginger: Contains sulphur, which helps disinfect the body and keep it healthy.

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Onions: The sulphur content in onions helps reduce cholesterol levels, break down blood clots, and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

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 Garlic: The sulphur content in garlic helps combat viral infections and bacteria.

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Cabbage: Helps fight inflammation, and applying cabbage leaves to the skin can reduce symptoms of inflammation.

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Cauliflower: The sulphur content in cauliflower supports gut health and improves immunity to fight infections.

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Broccoli: Another cruciferous vegetable that is high in sulphur and offers a range of health benefits.

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Brussels sprouts: These vegetables are rich in sulphur and can help reduce inflammation in the body.

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