
These Alternative Ways Are More Interesting Than Saying How Are You

Alternative ways

The old way to say “how are you” is pretty boring and tone-deaf. It has lost the power to express the feeling of care. Luckily, there are alternative ways to say it. Want to know how you can say hi without sounding tone-deaf?

Just rephrase it. Here are a few alternative ways to let your loved ones that you care for them.

Other Ways To Say ” How Are You?”

What Are You Doing Today?

ways to say how are you


You should be asking this way to know how their day went. It gives a sense that you are interested in knowing their plans. Moreover, it can take your conversation further.

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How Do You Balance Your Time?

balance life and work


Another great alternative way to the old boring phrase”how are you” is this. Just because we all have a lot of things to balance in 24 hours, so asking this way is a good idea.

You will actually know how your friends deal with so many stuff right from work to studies and family. And during the lockdown, it’s even difficult because of WFH boundaries.

If they find things unmanageable then surely they will give you a hint. You can help them as well. Isn’t a great?

Want To Do Facetime?

Funny ways to say how are you


We all know this is only a way to know if your friend is busy or free so that you two can hang out. Often people have this motive behind asking. So, instead of asking it in old fashion use this alternative way.

Moreover, this is a more direct way to let other people know that you are missing them. If it’s “YES” then you can chat one-on-one.

What You Do For Yourself These Days?

Funny ways to say how are you


The sweetest gesture to show your care via text is this one. Your friends will feel good when you ask them this way. Furthermore, you will get more insight into their health.

So, if your friend’s health keeps you worried all the time then this alternative way is a sweet gesture.

What Are You Watching Today?

Funny ways to say how are you


Many would prefer asking this way, I know because it’s interesting to watch the shows together and discuss it later. So, if you and your friends have common likings then asking this way is beneficial.

You will come to know what shows they enjoy or movie they like. Also, it will work as a suggestion for you.

These five alternative ways to say, “how are you” are far better than the nonspecific and boring way. Also, these ways are more straightforward to ask when you need to talk seriously.

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