Health and Fitness

Shocking: Two Pints Of Beer Can Cure This Disease

Pints of beer

Hey, beer lovers! We’ve got a piece of good news for you. The next time when you have a headache or any other pain, opt for 2 pints of beer instead of taking any medications.

As per a new study, consuming 2 pints of beer provides better relief than consuming any medication like paracetamol. Shocking? But it’s true.

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What Researchers Found?



Researchers found that drinking two pints of beer could provide pain relief of up to 25%. Unbelievable, isn’t it? But that’s true buddy.

How Beer Works As A Pain Killer?


Findings suggest that alcohol is an effective analgesic that delivers clinically-relevant reductions in ratings of pain intensity, which could explain alcohol misuse in those with persistent pain, despite its potential consequences for long-term health,” researchers said.

Is There Any Benefit Of Drinking Beer?


Yes, everything has two sides such as good and bad. Similarly, beer has good sides too. It helps to improve the blood alcohol level by 0.08 and lower the intensity of pain by providing your body the threshold to fight off pain.

Beer And Paracetamol- Which Is More Effective?


You’ve often heard that nothing can beat paracetamol when it comes to relieving pain. But you are amazed to know that beer is more effective and powerful than paracetamol.

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Concluding Words:

Finally, we’ve reached the conclusion that beer is more powerful and effective than painkillers. But as we said above, everything has two sides, which means that beer has side effects too. So, it is always good to take the doctor’s advice.

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