In order to curb the spread of the covid virus and omicron variant, the Welsh Government has come up with a rule that is attracting criticism. From Monday, the government has asked all employees of Wales to work from home as a part of the new regulations.
If any employee breaches the rule then he/she has to pay a fine of £60.
New Work From Home Rules To Hurt Employers Too!!!

This is applicable to not only employees but also to the companies. The government has asked employers to take care of everything to facilitate work from home to their employees.
They are also advised to take necessary measures to improve premises to curb the risk of coronavirus. If an employer fails in implementing the guidelines then they would be liable to pay a fine of £1,000. The amount can extend up to £10,000 for breaking rules each time.
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Such rules will affect both employees and employers, say GMB and TUC. A senior organizer of the GMB said this will hit harder for the workers who are not financially stable or vulnerable. Bad employers will take advantage of the rule in the lieu of preventing themselves from penalty.

General Secretary of Trade Union Congress has called it a bad move by the government as this is not in employees’ hands where to work. Employers are responsible for this. But the new rules will share the responsibility and both have to adjust.
All those who live and work in Wales should follow this rule whereas those working in England but living in Wales are also on the radar. In other words, they are eligible for fines too.
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However, the rules allow them to work from the office if they have any reasonable excuse to do so. And the amount of penalty will get reduced to half if they pay within 14 days.