Health and Fitness

10 Foods that Add Power of Iron to Your Breakfast

10 Foods that Add Power of Iron to Your Breakfast

Foods: How do you wake up Energetic or Dull? Most people feel low in energy in the early morning even after having breakfast. In the mid of the day, their energy level drops further and they feel exhausted headaches, and even dizzy. That’s because their breakfast doesn’t have iron. Well, not just in breakfast all the three meals should have foods mentioned in our list of iron-rich foods. This essential nutrient is the base for good health and also prevents anemia.

There are two ways of getting iron- from animals and plants. One that you get from animals is called heme iron and the latter one is non-heme. Which is better and which foods are high in iron you should eat? Read to get these answers

How Much Iron Does Your Body Needs?

We are not made of iron; instead, our body is made of bones which means calcium is a must-get nutrient. But iron is equally important to get the steel strength body. Iron helps you grow, transfer oxygen easily between different organs via blood, and also boost hormone-producing ability.

Your body can get these benefits of iron if you take a recommended quantity of 18 mg of iron a day. But there’s a limitation on the amount due to gender differences.

If you are a man, 8 mg of iron is sufficient to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels in your body. Women who are crossed the menopause stage require the same amount but for menstruating women, the quantity is high as they lose blood.

They should take up to 10 mg and 27mg of iron daily in case of pregnancy. Adding heme iron to the diet is best as your body can absorb it easily as compared to non-heme iron.

Now, when you know why it’s important; learn which high iron foods are good for breakfast.

List of Iron-Rich Foods

1. Enriched White Bread

iron rich foods


Enriched white bread is different from regular white bread that you eat for breakfast. It has fortified minerals and vitamins to compensate for the loss of other vital nutrients during the processing of bread.

But do not eat too many white breads as they have additives and can cause obesity and diabetes.

2. Prunes and Prune Juice

Having some liquid during breakfast is a good way to start your day by hydrating your body. Refreshing prune juice is best because it gives you iron, supports digestion, feeds your skin with good antioxidants, and also relieves constipation.

3. Heart of Palm

Very few know about palm hearts and their benefits. This tropical vegetable is versatile and gives you folate, iron, fiber, manganese, and Vitamin C. So, if you ever find palm hearts in groceries, just grab a pack and enjoy it in a salad or use it in dips.

Also Read: Taste The Heart Of Banana Aka Banana Blossoms

4. Amaranth

Those who can’t eat wheat bread can add amaranth to their breakfast meal. It has no gluten and gives 29 percent of recommended iron.

5. Coconut Milk

foods high in iron


Milk is an important source of calcium and iron- the two must-have nutrients for growth. But many dislike its taste or are lactose intolerant, for all those coconut milk is a tasty alternative. This iron-rich drink is good for your bones and also serves you useful nutrients like manganese and copper.

6. Tofu

Instead of paneer if you use tofu for making breakfast, you would be on the advantageous side. Tofu is called one of the best foods to prevent cancer risk. It is also called food for the brain as it boosts memory and helps fight memory-related disease.

Do not worry about low energy levels; tofu has enough iron to keep you energetic till the next meal.

7. Potatoes with Skin

If your breakfast food contains potatoes, do not remove its skin as most of the iron is found in the skin of potatoes. You can also cover up your need for vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin B6 by eating potatoes.

8. Try Mushrooms

oyster mushrooms


Eating the same iron-rich foods for breakfast would be boring, try mushrooms. They are full of iron, low in calories, high in protein, and known for their selenium-rich nutrient.

Mushrooms are a great addition especially if you are picking oyster mushrooms. They have double the amount of iron as other types of mushrooms. So, just sautéed or place the roasted mushrooms on toast and enjoy.

9. Eggs

Boiled eggs are also healthy and iron-rich breakfast food to keep your hemoglobin level within a healthy window. It’s also a dietary choice for those who work out as they need quality protein and eggs serve them both.

If you are trying to keep your weight in control, eggs are a must because of their ability to fill the stomach quickly. Two eggs a day keep all the problems at bay.

10. Broccoli

Make your breakfast super healthy and iron-rich by adding boiled broccoli to poached eggs or make broccoli and egg salad. This green tiny tree-like food is recommended because of its ability to improve the iron absorption ability of your body.

Vitamin C in broccoli helps in this process and also benefits your eyes, heart, immune system, and whole body.

Give a try our foods mentioned in the list of iron-rich foods to curb your morning hunger whilst making your body stronger.

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