Health and Fitness

How Glaucoma Causes Complete Vision Loss? Read Here


Glaucoma is a serious condition that causes loss of vision. As this disease affects the optic nerve that carries information from the eye to the brain. There are about 3 million people in the United States who are suffering from this disease. As the early symptoms of this disease are understandable.

Angle-closure glaucoma is a type that appears quickly and leads to total blindness within several days. A Research Foundation has found that about 9% to 12% of people residing in the United States are suffering from complete blindness.

What Causes Blindness


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This disease causes complete blindness by affecting the nerve cells and damaging the optic nerve which helps in sending information between the eye and the brain.

Majorly there are two conditions of Glaucoma:

Open-angle glaucoma

There are about 90% of cases of open-angle glaucoma in the US. It occurs when the front of the eyeball gets filled with excess fluid that creates pressure in the eye. The overproduction of this fluid blocks the optic nerve and damages the cells. This causes vision loss which begins with peripheral vision.

Angle-closure glaucoma

It is a rare type of condition that leads to vision loss. This occurs when the outer part of the iris blocks the flow of aqueous humor in the eye.

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Prevention of Vision Loss Due to glaucoma


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It is a disease that is developed over many years affecting vision. But most people who suffer from this condition don’t know that they are suffering from this disease.

But a proper diagnosis of this disease is needed to prevent its further effects of this disease. Along with medications here are some early treatments that may help in preventing vision loss.

  • Maintaining a moderate weight

  • Quit smoking and eat healthily

  • Staying physically fit by doing exercise regularly

  • Maintaining blood sugar level

All these and getting your eye tested regularly may help you prevent vision loss and complete blindness.

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