
Follow Your Conscience – International Conscience Day on 5th April

United Nations declared April 5 as the International Day of Conscience. It serves to highlight the importance of conscience in mitigating differences among nations, citizens and mitigating violence all over the world, it will be the second international conscience day on 5th April. First International Conscience day was on 5th April 2020.

Our moral sense tells us to do the right thing, guides us to the way of Enlightenment and saves us from all the destructions, we just need to be strong enough to raise our conscience and follow it. This day is celebrated to reflect upon ourselves and follow the right path. The purpose is for the welfare and betterment of society.



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It is mainly observed keeping in mind to “Promote the Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience”. For so many years there is a lot of negativity and loathing for human rights which led to so much violence and ferocious acts and all this disturbed conscience a lot. So the main duty of the United Nations now is to protect future generations from the sufferings of conflicts and war. This requires the promotion of a culture of harmony and peace through attitudes, beliefs, behavior, interactions, and negotiations which will lead to the development of society in an appropriate way.

Conscience Day is emphasized to restrain people from torturing others physically, mentally, emotionally, and in all other ways. Such heinous acts are described by scholars on this day and they are despised so that the public resists such acts.



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For the creation of a stable and secure society and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom. To promote a culture of tolerance, unity, love, justice, and respect considering all without any discrimination as to race religion, caste, language, color, gender, etc so that everyone lives with dignity impelled General Assembly to declare April 5 as the “International Day Of Conscience”.

“The Federation of World and Peace” set the global leadership campaign at the UN Platform and proclaimed the “International Day of Conscience on February 5, 2019. It was validated by 185 nations and translated into 41 languages. After that, the UN General Assembly from the patronage of the Kingdom of Bahrain on July 2019 declared 5th April as International Day of Conscience with the objective of “ Promoting the Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience”, under the resolution A/37/L.102 in the agenda of “Culture of Peace”.

Few Quotes and Adages on Conscience

“There comes a time when a moral man can’t obey a law which his conscience tells him is unjust”. Martin Luther King

“We are the spirit, the collective conscience. We create the pain and suffering, and beauty in this world.  Tracy Chapman

“We cannot appeal to the conscience of the world when our conscience is asleep.” Carl von Ossietzky

“Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.”Aristotle

“A true conscience can defeat the entire world.” The Blind Spot

So, on this conscience let’s come together and decide to mitigate all the destructions which are caused by the weakness of our mind with the strength of conscience. Listen to the inner soul and enhance the culture of positivity, respect for others’ culture, and the right to live with dignity without any fears.



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