
Due To The Shortage Of Respirators, Italian Doctors Are Now Using Snorkelling Masks


The coronavirus pandemic has hit the world and few parts of the world are in bad condition. In Italy, the exponential rise of the patients failed to compete with excellent medical facilities. As a result, many people died and the medical system failed miserably.

The overloading in the hospitals is creating a shortage in the respiratory equipment. Doctors have found a new way to save patients. Italian doctors are now using snorkelling masks from sports shops that will help the patients in breathing and saving them from collapsing.

Doctor and respiratory physiotherapist Frederic Bonnier said:

“They are to be used for patients with severe respiratory problems. The aim is to avoid having to intubate the trachea of the patient and put them on a respirator,”

The sudden increase in the patients has created a shortage of masks and respirators. The respirators are however booked for patients in the ICU. The snorkelling mask is also an innovative and successful idea introduced by the doctors during the time of an emergency.

This shows that doctors from all over the world are trying every possible thing to save patients from deadly coronavirus.

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