Health and Fitness

Does Sugar Cause Fatty Liver? Why It’s Dangerous for the Liver

Sugar Cause Fatty Liver

People all over the world know that eating too much sugar is harmful for health. This can damage teeth. Blood sugar spike may occur. It is very harmful for diabetic people, but do you know that sugar can also cause liver damage. The answer is yes. Sugar damages the liver like alcohol. According to a study published in the Journal of Hepatology, even very small amounts of sugar harm the liver. Just as every drop of alcohol damages the liver and causes fatty liver, similarly sugar is also responsible for fatty liver. Sugar is a major cause of most cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver.

The World Health Organization (WHO) had said in the year 2015 that no one should eat more than 25 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar daily. We are not talking about just white granulated sugar here. All the packaged items being sold in the market, Everything has added sugar. Even things that taste salty contain sugar. All these things together are causing liver damage.

What Happens When You Eat Sugar? Effects on Health

Sugar Cause Fatty Liver

Sugar is a type of carb. When we eat it, the body gets an easy source of energy. Our body converts it into glucose. It provides plenty of calories for energy, but its nutritional value is zero. The body uses some part of it for energy. Keeps the remaining portion safe.

Our body works very intelligently. Just as we withdraw a part of our expenses from our salary and deposit the remaining part in our savings bank account for future. Similarly, our body uses the required glucose for energy and converts the rest into fat and stores it in the liver.

However, our body is not as greedy as humans. He likes to store only the amount of fat he needs. When this fat becomes too much, it causes fatty liver.

Why the Liver Doesn’t Like Fat: Impact on Health

Sugar Cause Fatty Liver

If there is anything that causes the most trouble to the liver, it is extra fat. According to the National Institute of Health, if the amount of fat deposited in our liver exceeds 5% of the total weight of the liver, then it can cause many other risks. Excess fat can cause inflammation in the liver. It can also become the cause of many diseases.

Just as due to accumulation of fat on the body, swelling starts appearing in our body and the body becomes lethargic. Similarly, fatty liver means that fat has accumulated around it. Due to this, the liver starts becoming sluggish and its essential functions start getting disrupted.

38% people of the world have fatty liver disease

Sugar Cause Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is becoming a very common liver disease. According to the Journal of Hepatology, currently about 38% people in the world are suffering from the problem of fatty liver. There are 25% people in this who do not drink alcohol. In most of such cases, eating too much sugar is a major reason. Apart from white sugar grains, it is being consumed through junk food, packaged food and sugary drinks.

We eat packaged food all day long to suit our taste. Drink sugary drinks and eat sweets. Drink sweet tea and coffee. All this sugar goes to the head of the liver, because the liver is responsible for breaking and digesting the sugar. After this, what happens is that the body takes all the glucose it needs and leaves the rest to the liver. It gets back to work again. This time it converts into fat and stores it with itself. This fat later becomes a burden for him.

Is fatty liver disease a new disease?

Sugar Cause Fatty Liver

Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor in the Department of Endocrinology, University of California, writes in his book ‘Fat Chance’ that fatty liver is such a disease, Which did not exist 50 years ago. Now it is increasing so fast that if you throw a stone in a crowd, there is a 99% chance that the person it hits will have fatty liver.

Generally no symptoms of fatty liver are seen. Sometimes you may feel tired or you may also feel pain in the upper right side of the stomach. Apart from this these signs may appear.

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