Health and Fitness

Does Fitness Lingo Bother You? Don’t worry, Understand It With Us


These days, every individual is making, fitness, a part of their lifestyle. Not a day is passed without moving your body. Whether you are going for cardio-training or strength training or any other fitness program, your goal remains the same and that is to be fit and healthy.

To many fitness enthusiasts, who begin their fitness journey, there are some fitness-related terms that baffle them. Terms like cardio, HIIT, and many such terms, are regularly used in the fitness industry and if you aren’t aware of it, then you should read this article. It will not only help you get familiar with these terms but also makes you understand what exactly these terms are. So, let’s have a look at it.

Cardio Training


It is a short form of cardiovascular exercise. The exercises that form a part of Cardio training are made for enhancing the heart rate. These are fast exercises that help you in reducing fats. Some of the exercises in cardio are running and jumping.

Core Training


In the core training session, your muscles situated in the abdomen region will be targeted. If you are looking for six-pack abs, then Core is the area, you should target. Once the fat situated eliminates in the core region, you will get a Six-pack abs. Exercises include plank and crunches.



It is an acronym for as many repetitions as possible. Let’s suppose if you want to check how many push-ups or pull-ups you can do in a minute, you will have to go for AMRAP. It will check your stamina and strength levels.



DOMS stands for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It shows the level of discomfort in your muscles. When you do an excessive workout, this is the thing you suffer from. The reason behind this condition is the emission of chemicals from your body to repair any damage in muscle.

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HIIT training


HIIT stands for high interval internal training. In this training, exercises are performed rigorously and with maximum force. Also, the person has to perform exercises in a short period of time. This training builds stamina and strength.


PlyometricsIn Plyometrics, individuals perform repeated jumping on a fixed structure. It is also known as jumping training. The muscles that are targeted in this training are calves and thighs. Moreover, it focuses on the extension and contraction of muscles.



In a cross-training exercise method, you will have to perform different types of exercises. It involves a mixture of exercises in one go. For example, burpees.



It is also a high-intensity training method. In this concept, you will have to perform one type of exercise again and again. For example, you will have to perform squats or push-ups for at least 4 minutes with 20-second rest.

Circuit Training


In this form of training, you will have to perform exercises in a circular form. For example, you will have to do a set of push-ups, pull-ups, and squats in a time limit.



It is a form of exercise in which your back muscles are targeted. By performing this exercise, you can eliminate your back pain. It is generally done with the help of medicine balls and kettlebells.

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