Health and Fitness

Best Time to Sleep: 8 Pm to 4 Am: If You Sleep Well Then Your Body and Mind Remain Healthy in The Morning

Best Time to Sleep

“Early to Bed and Early to Rise, Makes a Man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.” (Sleeping early at night and waking up early in the morning makes a person healthy, prosperous and intelligent.) You must have also heard this statement by the great American writer and scientist Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin is also called the Founding Father of the United States of America.

However, the right time to sleep early and wake up early has always been in dispute. Despite this, the time from 8 pm to 4 am is considered best for sleep. Most of the successful people in the world sleep at 8 o’clock in the night and wake up at 4 in the morning.

Follow the natural clock

Best Time to Sleep
There are some fixed rules of nature. During the day, when the sun rises, all work has to be done in the light. Night time is for sleeping when it gets dark after the sun sets. If all the work is done according to this natural rule, then positive results are obtained and health also remains good.

The natural clock of our body also follows this law of nature. According to this, sleeping every night from 8 pm to 4 am improves sleep quality and improves health.

Pulmonologist Dr. Animesh Arya says that if a person is sleeping from 8 pm to 4 am every day, then he will see very positive changes in his life and health. This increases memory power and improves concentration. What are its other benefits.

Sleep quality improves

Best Time to Sleep

If the sleeping time is according to the natural light-darkness cycle, then more deep and comfortable sleep occurs. By sleeping early, our body remains in Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep for a longer period of time. Rapid eye movement is the last stage of sleep. Since our body repairs itself internally during sleep, this stage of sleep is very important for physical and mental recovery.

By sleeping early and waking up early, we feel energetic throughout the day. Actually, the body gets enough time to repair itself during sleep. Therefore, it works with more focus and alertness the next day.

Improves hormonal

Melatonin, a hormone necessary for sleep, increases in the evening. Therefore one can fall asleep easily in the evening. As this hormone increases at night, our sleep becomes deeper. Apart from this, it also helps in cortisol regulation, due to which we feel more attentive and refreshed in the morning.

Sleeping early also improves the metabolic system. This prevents hunger at night and digestion also becomes easier. By eating and sleeping early in the evening, the body digests food better and also utilizes the nutrients present in it in a better way.

Eating dinner early is good for sleep and health

Best Time to Sleep

Dr. Animesh Arya says that eating dinner early gives the body enough time to digest the food before sleeping. This prevents problems like discomfort, acid reflux or indigestion during sleep. These problems can disturb sleep if you eat late at night.

If you eat food 2 hours before sleeping, then the blood sugar level is under control before going to bed. This reduces the risk of waking up at night. This eliminates the tension of the body to digest food while sleeping. The advantage of this is that the body is able to concentrate its full attention on cellular repair and hormonal regulation.

One should stay away from mobile and laptop before sleeping

Best Time to Sleep

The light coming from mobile, laptop or TV does not allow the body to produce melatonin, the hormone necessary for sleep. This can disturb sleep. If you are using mobile or laptop till late at night, then you do not fall asleep even after going to bed for a long time.

Stress, depression, weakness, vitamin-D deficiency, poor lifestyle and ultra-processed food can disturb sleep. Drinking alcohol and smoking habits also affect sleep quality.

What can you do to get better sleep?

Best Time to Sleep

For a good sleep, it is important that our daily routine is correct. If it is wrong, then necessary changes should be made in it. First of all, a time should be fixed for sleeping and waking up. The best time for sleep is from 8 pm to 4 am.

Nothing happens overnight. If you want to sleep at 8 pm every night, then you will have to go to bed at 7:30 pm for a few days. As soon as you follow this schedule for a few days, your body will align itself with this time. Our internal natural clock will also save this time for sleeping. Then we will start feeling sleepy before 8 o’clock every day.

Our body understands symbolic language. For this, you can listen to music for some time every day before sleeping. After a few days, as soon as you listen to music in the evening, your body will understand that it is time to sleep and you will start feeling sleepy.

  • Use electric gadgets as little as possible.
  • Take a walk in the open air for some time in the morning and evening.
  • Talk to friends, share your thoughts.
  • Do light exercises every day.
  • Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes and all kinds of addiction.
  • Do not drink too much tea or coffee during the day.
  • Do not light a bright bulb in the house after sunset.
  • If you are going to sleep at 8 o’clock, then have dinner at 6 o’clock.
  • Do not use mobile and laptop after dinner.


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