For centuries Archaeologists are in search of Egyptian most beautiful and promising Queen Cleopatra’s tomb. A team of archaeologists by Kathleen Martinez of the University of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic was searching for Cleopatra’ Tomb in the ancient ruined city of Taposiris Magna on the Egyptian Coasts.
Instead of the most valuable tomb of Cleopatra, they discover a long Ancient tunnel underneath the temple of the Ancient ruined city of Taposiris Magna in 2022.
What is Inside the Most Spectacular Ancient Tunnel in Egypt
A team of archaeologists was tirelessly in search of Cleopatra’s and her husband Mark Antony’s tomb but in this madness of excavation and exploration, they found the spectacular tunnel.
According to the experts, this tunnel is called a “geometric miracle”. It is 13 meters located below the temple ground.
The 2-meter tall tunnel had been hewn through an incredible 1,305 meters of sandstone. According to the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the tunnel is showing striking similarity to the 1,036 meter-long tunnel of Eupalinos, a 6th-century BCE aqueduct on the Greek Island of Samos. This tunnel shows the excellency and creativity of that time’s engineers and the design was unparalleled construction in its day.
The Taposiris Magna tunnel isn’t equal to the marvel of engineering of the Tunnel of Eupalinos but it is impressive in design and mostly the chances are that Cleopatra’s tomb could be found there. Archaeologist Martinez believes that a historically important tomb could be found in this tunnel.
Some part of the tunnel is submerged in water and through the excavation of this site archaeologists yielded some treasures: a piece of pottery and a rectangular block of limestone.
Whether this tunnel has the burial site of Queen Cleopatra and King Marc Antony or not is not clear yet.
Know About Taposiris Magna City History and Its Archaeological Significance

Ancient City Taposiris Magna
Taposiris Magna City was established between around 280 and 270 BC by Ptolemy II son of the renowned general Alexander the Great, he is the ancestor of Cleopatra, the last one of the Ptolemy dynasty.
The city’s name means “great tomb of Osiris”. The city is also famous for the ancient Egyptian Temple.
Martinez has working in this temple since 2004 in search of Cleopatra’s tomb. The archaeological team believes that dedicated to the God Osiris and his queen Isis- the deity with whom Cleopatra found a strong connection.
The team found the coins bearing the names of Cleopatra and Alexander the Great as well as a figurine of Isis. The Greco-Roman burial may have been found in the temple.
Archaeologists’ next stop is to excavate the site near the Mediterranean Sea. Because the Taposiris Magna Temple tunnel stretch from Lake Mariout to the Mediterranean.