
New research: AI will alert before earthquake; prediction will be up to 70% accurate


During a seven-month trial in China, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has demonstrated an impressive capability by accurately predicting earthquakes with a 70 percent success rate, offering newfound hope for mitigating future seismic disasters. This remarkable development showcases the growing influence of artificial intelligence across diverse domains.

Traditionally, earthquake prediction has been an elusive goal for scientists and researchers, but artificial intelligence is now stepping into this arena. Cutting-edge research suggests that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to provide crucial information about impending earthquakes up to a week before they occur.

AI’s Earthquake Prediction: A Remarkable Stride

This breakthrough highlights the versatility of Artificial Intelligence, which has already made substantial contributions across various sectors. Its foray into earthquake prediction signifies a significant leap forward in harnessing the power of machine learning and data analysis for the benefit of humanity.


As AI continues to evolve and improve its predictive capabilities, it holds the promise of becoming a valuable tool in safeguarding communities and infrastructure from the devastating impacts of earthquakes, marking yet another remarkable stride in the realm of Artificial Intelligence.

Trial is going on in China for seven months

The University of Texas at Austin has created an artificial intelligence that has been trained to provide seismic data in real time. During training, this Artificial Intelligence was given old earthquake data.

This artificial intelligence has correctly predicted 70 percent of earthquakes a week in advance during a seven-month trial in China, raising hopes that it could be used to limit damage from future earthquakes.

Artificial Intelligence predicted 14 earthquakes


The results of this artificial intelligence have been released after several weeks of research. This Artificial Intelligence model predicted 14 earthquakes within about 200 miles a week ago. Earthquakes also occurred with the same intensity as reported by the artificial intelligence, although it failed to detect 1 earthquake and gave false warnings about 8.

It is not yet clear whether it will be able to do its work with accuracy in any corner of the world or not. Researchers say that this Artificial Intelligence can be used to improve seismic tracking networks in America, Italy, Japan, Greece, Turkey and Texas.

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