Health and Fitness

5 Benefits Of Waking Up Early In The Morning Backed By Science

5 Benefits Of Waking Up Early In The Morning Backed By Science

Waking up at 5 or 6 am or right before the sunrise, comes up with several health benefits but who would like to sacrifice a good sleep. It’s hard to break a good dream in the middle and wake up for nothing but we can’t overlook the facts about waking up early.

They are backed by science. So if this one is on your New Year resolution list, these scientific benefits of waking up early will help you to get off the bed.

 Health Benefits Of Getting Up Early In The Morning

1. No Procrastination

benefits of waking up early


Getting off the bed late will keep you busy thinking about the important tasks to be completed in a day. You will have less time for that which will make you anxious and as a result, you will delay the work or end up struggling with it.

Also Read: Steps To Stop Procrastinating: Helpful Tips And Motivational Videos

Early birds are on the advantageous side as they get enough time to organize and start a day as they want. It was proven scientifically as well in the two studies in 1997 and 2007 respectively by the DePaul University. They found those who wake up late are procrastinators as compared to the others.

2. Improved Well-Being

health benefits of waking up early


You will get the benefits of waking up early in your older life as age is linked with your morning habits. This is supported by a paper published in 2012 as “Happy as a Lark” reporting that morning-type individuals have better health than evening-type people.

Such people have stable personalities, high-energy levels, alertness, low tiredness, and are less susceptible to psychiatric illness. On the contrary, evening-type people are at risk of substance abuse, depression, having poor general health, negative emotions, and tiredness.

3. Reduced Sleep Causes Exhaustion

wake up early benefits


If you have a habit of pushing your wake-up cycle then you must be struggling with drowsiness and exhaustion throughout the day. This is because of the incomplete sleep cycle. So, try to wake up on the first alarm to feel refreshed and more productive all day.

Also Read: 10 Scientifically Proven Tips for Better Sleep at Night

4. Low-Stress Levels

wake up early benefits


Leaving your bed at 4 or 5 a.m. might feel like a tricky task or stressful, but it actually reduces the stress level. Research by the London University published in the Fitness Magazine says that waking up before or by 7 a.m. in the morning leads to low-stress levels.

5. Lower Weight

wake up early benefits


One of the easiest ways to reduce weight is to wake up early as reported in the Huffington Post. Scientists have found that such people have low BMI and thus fall in the category of healthy people as their weight is normal.

Apart from these, you will get other health benefits of leaving the bed early in the morning:

  • Better concentration
  • Healthy skin
  • Less dark circles
  • Better mood
  • More time for your body so that you can exercise and eat breakfast without rush

However, health issues like stress, insomnia, abnormal hormone fluctuations or anything make you wake up early then you won’t get these benefits. Consult your doctor to manage these issues to improve your sleep/wake cycle.



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